New apartment house FATRAPARK

New apartment house FATRAPARK

Liptov Bandits

BANDITS ATTACK  -  Liptov Bandits

Folk Note Evening – folk music with good food and cuisine.

And then unexpected meeting with bandits. Live surprising . Adrenaline.

Question  „what is going on“ ? … When Bandits come.


And when all at once you do mind......

This is real and origin entertainment in each group.

Gaiety, music, traditions, singing, dancing.

We invite You.

liptovski zbojnici liptovski zbojnici

Program description :

The program scenario is prepared after consultation of client´s requirements.

The whole program and Bandit´s group is under the guidance of  professional

Mr. Miroslav Kaspzyk (

The Bandits will surprise and loot you.  Based on fulfillment prepared tasks, bandits will return you loot.

Program is based on establishing scenarios after consultation with the client. It is about leadership and long time experience working with people of Liptov Bandits Group. As well about interesting props, costumed bandits and possibility to choose the parts of overflow. Individually we fill the evening of folk music.


Price:                 1. 100€ + VAT

Price includes:   entertainment evening program

Artistic director:  Mr. Miroslav Kasprzyk

Animator - Bandits group

Harmonika – a musical accompaniment and singing



Origin games props

Logistics prepared games     

Organizational support



bonus:              mixed variations of small Bandits dance school


Additional price:            performer´s snack

                                     individual requirements

                                     folk evening music 



Two variants schedule of evening programe of Bandit ´s attack.


Small variation : Bandit´s attack

                             The program takes place in these parts:  

                             Overflow and surprise, Spoliation, Redemption.



Large variation: Bandit´s attack

                             Overflow and surprise, Spoliation, Redemption.


It is not only about actually Redeemed spoliation, but also entertainment for the greater part of the visitors.
So the program is extended by an offer of Units: Zbojnícka dance school
                                                                           Zbojnícky Jarmok
                                                                           Zbojnícke surprise
It is not only about actually Redeemed spoliation, but also entertainment for the greater part of the visitors.
So the program is extended by an offer of Units: Bandits dance school
                                                                            Bandits Jarmok
                                                                            Bandits surprise



Bandits gift (such as various anniversaries)


Position Time program:

Depends on the selection of the extended program.

Creates variants feature a complete entertainment program.







Programové časti ktoré je možné doplniť do  Zbojníckemu prepadu :


Zbojnícka TANEČNÁ ŠKOLA    folklór pri ktorom sa určite nebudete nudiť.


Zbojnícky JARMOK   vyskúšajte s nami najrôznejšie remeslá

                                               VÝROBA PíŚTALIEK

                                               VýROBA DARĆEKU napr. drevenej hračky

                                               RAZENIE A ZDOBENIE KOŹE



                                               VýROBA SKLENENÉHO ŠPERKU


Zbojnícke PREKVAPENIE  divácke programy v ľudovej téme v najrôznejšom prevedení a detailoch 

                                               PLIESKANIE Bičom

                                               Škola HRY NA FUJARE - DRUMBLI - TROMBITE

                                               Škola HRY NA TRADIČNEJ SLOVENSKEJ PÍŚTALE


                                               Zbojnícke ETUDY

                                               Zbojnícke ĆAROVANIE

                                               Zbojnícka Móda


Zbojnícke DARČEKY výnimočné a ručne robené


Cena programových častí : kalkulujú sa samostatne v závislosti od počtu osôb a prevedenia detailov

Základná cena  od 300 € + DPH

New apartment house FATRAPARK